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October 7, 2024

Introducing Image Search

IPRally’s new feature Image Search is the first tool to combine image search with Graph AI. This practical solution allows you to find patents by simply uploading a photograph, a drawing or a product sheet. Unlike traditional image searches that rely on visual similarity, IPRally’s Image Search decodes the technical content in the image. Antti Tarvainen, Generative AI Product Manager, explains how Image Search works, its key benefits, and how it can transform how you conduct patent searches.

Today, we're excited to launch IPRally's newest feature: Image Search. This practical tool allows you to find patents by simply uploading an image, transforming the way you conduct patent searches.

Image search initiatives have existed in the patent space before, but never in combination with Graph AI – until now. With AI Image Search, we're introducing a new way to harness the unmatched accuracy of IPRally's search engine.

What is Image Search?

Image Search is a powerful AI-driven feature that analyzes the content of your uploaded image and finds conceptually related patents. Unlike traditional image searches that focus on visual similarity, our Image Search digs deeper:

  • It interprets the concepts, technologies, and inventions depicted in your image thanks to IPRally's proprietary Graph AI search
  • It finds patents describing similar ideas, even if they look different visually or have no images at all
  • It bridges the gap between visual information and textual patent descriptions

Here's a quick demonstration of how it works:

Why use Image Search?

  1. Speed: Often, Image Search is the fastest way to find relevant patents. Sometimes, an image is all you have. Simply upload an image from an invention disclosure, and you're ready to go – no need for complex boolean filters or manual graph creation.
  2. Simplicity: When describing an invention in words is challenging, especially in unfamiliar domains, Image Search can be your starting point. Let the AI interpret the image and generate an initial search graph for you.
  3. Depth: By focusing on conceptual similarity rather than visual matching, Image Search can uncover patents you might otherwise miss, providing a more comprehensive view of the patent landscape.
  4. Versatility: Whether you're working with technical drawings, schematics, data sheets, or even rough sketches, Image Search can interpret a wide range of visual inputs to find relevant patents.
  5. Complimentary: Use image search as an alternative search input to complement your other search inputs within IPRally and ensure you're not missing any relevant prior art that could be revealed from technology and features identified within the image.

In the following sections, we'll explore how to use Image Search effectively, showcase its capabilities with real-world examples, and explain the technology that powers this groundbreaking feature.

Using Image Search

Here's a more thorough walkthrough of using image search:

Follow these steps to get the most out of Image Search:

  1. Upload your image and initiate the search.
  2. Review the generated graph to see how the AI interpreted the image.
  3. If needed, add context in the provided field to guide the AI's interpretation.
  4. Repeat the process until you're satisfied with the results.
  5. If you want, fine-tune the graph to describe exactly what you want.

For best results:

  • Use clear, detailed images when possible.
  • Provide specific context if the initial interpretation isn't accurate.
  • Don't hesitate to run multiple searches, adjusting your input each time.

Finally, here is a more detailed walkthrough video that demonstrates how Image Search can be combined with other IPRally tools:

Additional Feature: AI-Generated Claim

After running your search, explore the AI-Generated Claim section. This feature provides a description of your image in patent claim format, as interpreted by the AI. You can use it to:

  • Gain insight into how the AI interprets the image
  • Serve as input for a free-text search in IPRally
  • Act as a starting point for drafting actual patent claims

Note: While this AI-generated claim is a valuable tool for search and analysis, it is not a substitute for professional patent drafting.

Examples: Exploring the capabilities

In our internal testing, we have used Image Search for variety of different cases, and have found it to work well on most of them. Here are a few examples.

photo of a bicycle carrier

Image Search using this photograph of a bicycle carrier finds bicycle carriers with similar mounting solutions – just as you would expect.

a flow diagram of a neural network training method

This flow diagram of a neural network training method for pathology also works well. Image Search is smart enough to understand both the text and the depicted relationships.

a mechanical drawing showing a structure of some sort

How about a mechanical drawing? In this particular case, the image alone does not have enough information, so we need to add context, such as: "This is an exhaust gas catalyst structure." We can even define what the different numbered parts or their properties are for spot-on results.

a molecule diagram

We can also use a molecule diagram as the search input. From this particular diagram, Image Search understands that the compound is a cyclic structure with phosphate groups, and a metal atom as a Markush group with magnesium and calcium atoms as the alternatives. Adding some context, e.g., on the use of the molecule, gets you fast on track with the search.

a screenshot of a product sheet

As our last example, let's use a screenshot of a product sheet. This search returns patents about MEMS motion sensors with low- and high-pass filters – just what the product sheet describes.

How Image Search works under the hood

Image Search combines generative AI with IPRally's graph AI to deliver a powerful search experience.

Here's how it works:

  1. When you click search, we use a large language model (specifically, Anthropic's Claude 3.5 Sonnet) to analyze your uploaded image and convert it into a detailed textual description.
  2. Next, we transform this description into a search graph. This graph is a structured representation of the invention's key features and relationships.
  3. Finally, we use this search graph to find relevant patent documents, employing the same technology that powers our text and graph searches.

By combining these technologies, we can offer search that blends accuracy with convenience. Our graph AI is what gives IPRally its unparalleled accuracy in search results. With the addition of generative AI, we can now provide you those search results in a faster and more user-friendly way.

As with all our features, security remains a priority for Image Search. Your images and other data are encrypted in our database with a customer-specific key, ensuring that neither IPRally employees nor anyone else can access them.

Looking to the future: Introducing AI Assistant features

Image Search represents a significant step in our ongoing efforts to advance patent search technology. It exemplifies our approach of integrating Generative AI with our proprietary Graph AI, allowing us to leverage:

  • Generative AI's broad understanding and flexibility
  • Graph AI's structured knowledge representation

We're excited to announce that Image Search, along with our previously released Ask AI feature, are part of what we're now calling our "AI Assistant features." This new category of tools combines the power of Generative AI with IPRally's unique technologies to enhance your patent search experience.

Our AI Assistant features are designed to:

  • Automate more aspects of the patent search process
  • Increase the speed and accuracy of searches
  • Simplify complex search tasks for users of all expertise levels

As we continue to develop and expand our suite of AI Assistant features, our goal remains clear: to refine and automate patent searches, making them more efficient and accessible. These AI-driven tools aim to reduce manual effort while improving search quality, allowing IP professionals to focus on higher-level analysis and decision-making.

Stay tuned for more AI Assistant features that will further transform how you interact with patent data and conduct searches. We're committed to innovating in this space and look forward to introducing new capabilities that will enhance your work in intellectual property.

Join our upcoming webinar

Join myself (Antti Tarvainen, Gen AI Product Manager) and Sakari Arvela, Co-founder & Chief Product Officer, on Thursday 24th October at 4pm CEST as we dive deeper into IPRally's new AI Image Search functionality.

In this webinar, we'll demo AI Image Search and cover:

  • Introducing IPRally's Image Search, its benefits and use cases.
  • Optical similarities vs technical understanding. What is the logic behind AI Image Search, why is it different and why are we adding it to IPRally?
  • More than a thousand words – How the hidden intelligence in images can provide fast, unbiased, and accurate ways to describe inventions and find similar technologies.
  • Nudging the AI – the importance of context and how it can improve the search.
  • A new AI shortcut: Learn how AI Image Search can help you become more efficient and effective in your search processes.
  • Q&A

You can sign up here. We'd love to see you there!

Try it out!

Image Search is available now for all users whose organizations have accepted our AI Assistant features. We encourage you to give it a try - upload an image and see where it takes you. Try IPRally for Free here!

Written by

Antti Tarvainen

Product Manager and Generative AI Lead